ColecoVision Instructions for the Roller Controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exciting High-Speed Action on Your ColecoVision Game System! HOOKING UP YOUR ROLLER CONTROLLER 1. Unplug and remove the Hand Controllers from the ColecoVision Console unit. 2. Plug a Hand Controller into the socket inside a Hand Controller Well of the Roller Controller 3. Wind the Hand Controller Cord neatly inside the Well, then slide the bottom of the Hand Controller into the Well. When Hand Controller is in place, push the top of the Hand Controller down until it snaps into place. Attach the other Hand Controller to the Roller Controller in the same manner The Hand Controller jacks will fit only one way--DO NOT FORCE them into the controller sockets. 4. The WYE Connector Cable jacks have the number 1 molded on top of one jack and the number 2 molded on top of the other jack. Plug jack # 1 into the rear socket, then plug jack #2 into the front socket inside the Hand Controller storage compartments of your ColecoVision Console unit as shown in illustration. Be sure the numbers are facing up when you are plugging in the jacks. 5. Plug the Power Adapter Plug from the Roller Controller unit into the Power Supply socket in back of your ColecoVision Console unit. 6. Plug the jack of the AC Power Supply unit into the back of the Power Adapter Plug as shown in illustration. Plug the AC Power Supply unit into a 110/120 volt household electrical outlet. Make sure the Power Supply is fully inserted into the electrical outlet. 7. MODE SWITCH: The function of the MODE SWITCH is to select between a Joystick cartridge and a cartridge designed exclusively for use with the Roller Controller. Slide the MODE SWITCH to the ROLLER Cartridge position when playing roller-game cartridges. The JOYSTICK Cartridge position can be used with most games that require use of the hand controller Joystick. Some Joystick cartridge games will be more challenging than others when played with Roller Controller Get the "feel" of the game before you decide to use Roller Controller to play a Joystick cartridge game. Now you are ready to begin playing your game! BE SURE THAT THE COLECOVISION UNIT IS OFF BEFORE INSERTING OR REMOVING CARTRIDGE. Refer to your GAME CARTRIDGE Instruction Guide for game play instructions. WARNING: ALWAYS UNPLUG THE POWER SUPPLY FROM THE 110/120 VOLT OUTLET WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED PLAYING. CARE OF YOUR GAME Treat your COLECOVISION ROLLER CONTROLLER with care. Before inserting or removing GAME CARTRIDGE, always make sure that the POWER SWITCH on CONSOLE unit is turned "OFF". Always unplug the POWER SUPPLY from the 110/120 volt outlet when you have finished playing. IMPORTANT: ONLY CONNECT THE CONSOLE POWER SUPPLY UNIT INTO A 110/120 VOLT HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL SERVICE, OTHERWISE SERIOUS DAMAGE MAY OCCUR TO ELECTRICAL PARTS OF THE SYSTEM. Do not drop or bang ROLLER CONTROLLER, CONSOLE or HAND CONTROLLERS. Do not use sharp or pointed object to activate KEYPAD BUTTONS or GAME ACTION BUTTONS. Do not store or leave ROLLER CONTROLLER, CONSOLE and accessories where they may be subject to heat build-up. Keep away from moisture. Do not immerse ROLLER CONTROLLER, CONSOLE or HAND CONTROLLERS in water Use a soft, slightly damp cloth to wipe clean. WARNING: Before cleaning ROLLER CONTROLLER, CONSOLE and accessories, turn POWER SWITCH to "OFF" and disconnect the AC POWER SUPPLY unit from the 110/120 volt wall outlet. Do not attempt to repair ROLLER CONTROLLER. It does not contain any owner serviceable parts. Refer to your TROUBLESHOOTING section, if not successful refer to LIMITED WARRANTY NOTICE This game generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is in strict accordance with the instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this game does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the game off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient the TV antenna. Relocate the game with respect to the TV Move the game away from the TV PIug the game into a different outlet so that game and TV are on different branch circuits. If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: "How to Identify and Resolve Radio TV Interference Problems". This booklet is available from the U.S Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4 TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM REMEDY ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Snow Make sure that both connections for the power supply are secured in their proper ports. No Hand Controller Response Make sure that the switch on the Roller Controller console is in the "Joystick Cartridge" mode. Roller Response Backwards Make sure that the controller plugs are inserted into the correct ports on the ColecoVision Main Console.